Je vous ai sélectionné quelques extraits des interviews que mènent le blog Art Palaver. Ces interviews sont intéressantes car les problématiques liées à la promotion de son travail d'artiste est toujours abordé. Bien entendu, les thèmes relatifs à la promotion et la vente de ses tableaux en utilisant les outils de communication modernes et les réseaux sociaux sont constamment abordés.
J'ai extrait, de diverses interviews, des passages qui me paraissaient intéressants pour chacun, étant donné le thème de ce blog : art marketing & reproductions. Pour le sommaire de toutes les interviews, voir la page suivante :
Extrait de l'interview de Meilena Hauslendale.
Art Palaver: What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing as an artist?
I think one of the on-going challenges is self-promotion. There is a benefit to having your hands in all aspects on your art career, however you will always have to wear a variety of hats, and not just be on the sidelines creating art. You have to keep on top of marketing, submissions, shows, and of course your sales. I certainly try to utilize print-on-demand relationships as this alleviates some of the burden sales can cause. If I can save time in any way with promotions and sales, then that means more time for me to create.
Extrait de l'interview de Maria Montano.
Art Palaver: What are your thoughts on selling art?
The selling of my work has been a big challenge to me. I enjoy the process of marketing my work – and finding new ways to bring attention to what it is that I am doing. Something that I have recently started doing is working with local non-profit agencies and committing a portion of my sales to them. They in turn promote me to their supporters – I grow my e-newsletter list and make some sales – while they get a percentage for each sale that they help me make. I have also really enjoyed social networking – it has given me the ability to reach far more people than I would – and I have “fans” of my work all over the country now! I think one of the keys to my success in making sales has been to offer prints in a variety of price ranges – I offer some as low as $19.50 all the way up to $500.00 – find a way to get something that fits everyone’s budget!
Extrait de l'interview de Kate Dardine.
Art Palaver: What are your thoughts on selling art?
To me selling art is about building relationships. To do that you have to engage in conversations – which is why I have totally embraced social media. It is said that the internet has changed how we purchase art – for better or worse. I agree that the internet has opened up new avenues for art appreciation, and certainly I make sales via my website/Facebook – but it is not merely because I’ve put the work out there. I work hard at starting conversations about art – and nurturing relationships through social media, newsletters and attending art events.
Extrait de l'interview de Helene Kippert.
What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing as an artist?
I’ve been selling my work online at Redbubble for a few years now as cards, calendars, posters and small prints. My challenge at the moment is to get my work into local and international galleries as limited edition canvas prints.
On voit, par ces extraits, que certains artistes US sont très en phase avec l'internet d'aujourd'hui, le web 2.0, et on compris comment utiliser ces évolutions à leur avantage.
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